The beginning: You Have An Idea

Having an idea is one of the best feelings I have ever experienced. A new thought, a creative vision or seed that one day may grow to change the world.  And as you know, with any new idea they tend to sit and fester in our brains until we…


Great Idea | Tons of Passion | No Execution

Yes! I had an idea and tons of enthusiasm. The thing that was going to make me rich beyond my wildest dreams. I had told all my friends and family about it,  I was ready to succeed. So I got started, reading, researching, and of course talking about my dream to anyone who would listen.

2 years later… nothing. I had learned a ton, but as for my idea, crickets would have been a welcomed noise at that point.  

Being in my early 20’s I felt discouraged. No one was taking me or my idea seriously and I could not understand why.  So I asked for help. I started gathering incredible mentors and they all had ONE very similar answer for me… 


The First Step

I don’t know about you, but any time someone gives me constructive criticism I go through two mind sets.  My first thought is, I am so grateful they are willing to be open and honest with me.  This is rare in todays society and I appreciate the kindness when it is done effectively.  

My second mindset is I can feel hurt that I was not perfect in that moment for that person.  This shows up in the forms of Guilt and Shame for me. These feelings cause doubt and insecurity and I have found they can really hinder mine and many peoples mindsets. 

It is important for me to constantly remind myself that I AM ENOUGH.  We all can strive to be amazing, adaptable, and creative human beings.  This mentality and practice has allowed me to be happier and more effective creating the ideal life I CHOOSE TO LIVE. 

I found it really came down to a few key principles.   My life drastically changed when I adopted 3 CORE VALUES.

When I am...

Willing to Listen.

Open to Humility.

Dedicated to Learn.

My life becomes so much more fluid.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. My goal for these SHORT STORIES is to offer an insiders view on becoming
The best version of YOU .
I want to help you build your dreams.